nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Mar 14, 2012 12:39
chris: is a ninja, brb: i wish i was her, brb: i'll be in my bunk, brb: this is hot, sanctuary: time to flirt, sanctuary: kissy time, brb: *celebrating*, character: john druitt, chris: is a sex god, sanctuary: webisodes, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: is a bamf!, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: with magnus, type: oh hey a gif, chris: .....tags escape me, ship: for all eternity [h/j], with: queen t, chris: smoulders, sanctuary: jack the ripper, chris: wins at life, sanctuary: he's bald ya know, brb: being an evil bamf, sanctuary: quality time, brb: *dead*
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Mar 07, 2012 20:28
brb: i wish i was her, brb: i'll be in my bunk, brb: this is hot, sanctuary: time to flirt, sanctuary: kissy time, chris: hair porn, brb: *celebrating*, character: john druitt, chris: is a sex god, sanctuary: webisodes, chris: old school, poster: nomorefrostbite, costume: victoriana, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: with magnus, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, type: oh hey a gif, chris: .....tags escape me, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, with: queen t, chris: wins at life, chris: i spy his tongue, sanctuary: quality time, brb: *dead*
sweetveritas wrote in dailyheyerdahl Nov 20, 2010 01:51
brb: i wish i was her, poster: sweetveritas, chris: hair porn, character: john druitt, sanctuary: webisodes, sanctuary: jack the ripper, costume: victoriana, type: screencap, show: sanctuary, brb: being an evil bamf, sanctuary: mutton chops
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Oct 07, 2010 22:49
brb: i wish i was her, brb: i'll be in my bunk, brb: this is hot, character: john druitt, sanctuary: webisodes, poster: nomorefrostbite, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: with magnus, sanctuary: with ashley, with: emilie ullerup, chris: .....tags escape me, costume: more leathers plz, ship: for all eternity [h/j], with: queen t, sanctuary: parenting lessons required, sanctuary: jack the ripper, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf, brb: *dead*, sanctuary: quality time
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Oct 02, 2010 21:26
sanctuary: with ashley, brb: i wish i was her, costume: more leathers plz, character: john druitt, sanctuary: webisodes, sanctuary: parenting lessons required, sanctuary: jack the ripper, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: is a bamf!, type: screencap, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: he's bald ya know, brb: being an evil bamf, sanctuary: quality time
sweetveritas wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 20, 2010 17:05
sanctuary: with ashley, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, poster: sweetveritas, costume: more leathers plz, character: john druitt, sanctuary: webisodes, sanctuary: parenting lessons required, sanctuary: jack the ripper, sanctuary: webisode 4, type: screencap, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: he's bald ya know, brb: being an evil bamf, sanctuary: quality time
sweetveritas wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 16, 2010 22:05
chris: make up artist's bitch, sanctuary: behind the scenes, with: queen t, sanctuary: webisodes, chris: makes a fail win, type: screencap, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: with magnus, character: bigfoot
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Jul 26, 2010 23:30
brb: i wish i was her, brb: i'll be in my bunk, character: john druitt, ship: for all eternity [h/j], sanctuary: webisodes, type: graphic, poster: nomorefrostbite, costume: victoriana, show: sanctuary, sanctuary: with magnus, brb: *dead*